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Gynecology Consults

icono tampón de color blanco con una cruz en rojo

To ensure an optimal Gynecology consultation, please schedule your appointment outside your menstruation period.

icono resultados de la analítica de sangre y un tubo de muestras

Lab test results are typically available within approximately 15 days.

Gynecological Visit with Examination

Includes the consultation, a physical examination of the genital area (if necessary), and medical prescriptions.

10 to 15 min


icono tampón de color blanco con una cruz en rojo

The examination should be conducted outside of menstruation days.

Gynecological Visit with Examination + Cytology / Pap Smear

10 to 15 min


icono tampón de color blanco con una cruz en rojo

The examination should be conducted outside of menstruation days.

What does the visit include?

It includes an interview, physical examination of the genital area (if necessary), medical prescriptions, and Pap smear / Cytology sample collection.

Detecting diseases with cytology

What types of diseases can be detected with cytology?

Cytology is an effective way to detect precancerous lesions and enable proper treatment before they become a more serious issue.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as gonorrhea and syphilis, can also be detected through cytology.

Gynecological Visit with Examination + Culture (Vaginal Exudate)

10 to 15 min


icono tampón de color blanco con una cruz en rojo

The examination should be conducted outside of menstruation days.

What does the visit include?

Includes interview, physical examination of the genital area (if necessary), medical prescriptions, and sample collection for vaginal culture.

Diagnosing infections with genital culture

What is a vaginal culture, and what is its purpose?

Vaginal culture is an analysis used to diagnose possible infections in the female genital tract.

They are usually performed when there are symptoms that need to be treated, such as pelvic pain, vaginal inflammation, excessive discharge, etc.

Gynecological Visit with Examination + Chlamydia Culture

The test serves to detect the Chlamydia bacteria in a sample of bodily fluid.

10 to 15 min


icono tampón de color blanco con una cruz en rojo

The examination should be conducted outside of menstruation days.

Visit + Citology + Culture

15 to 20 min


icono tampón de color blanco con una cruz en rojo

The examination should be conducted outside of menstruation days.

What does the visit include?

Includes interview, physical examination of the genital area (if necessary), medical prescriptions, Pap smear/cytology sample collection, and vaginal culture.

What types of diseases can be detected with these tests?

Cytology is an effective way to detect precancerous lesions and enable proper treatment before they become a more serious issue.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as gonorrhea and syphilis, can also be detected through cytology.

Possible infections in the female genital tract can be diagnosed with a culture.

They are usually performed when there are symptoms that need to be treated, such as pelvic pain, vaginal inflammation, excessive discharge, etc.

Complete Visit (Culture + Cytology + Transvaginal or Abdominal Ultrasound)

15 to 25 min


icono tampón de color blanco con una cruz en rojo

The examination should be conducted outside of menstruation days.

What does the visit include?

Includes interview, physical examination of the genital area (if necessary), medical prescriptions, Pap smear/cytology sample collection, vaginal culture, and a transvaginal ultrasound.

Transvaginal Ultrasound: Detection and Prevention

What is a transvaginal ultrasound used for?

A transvaginal ultrasound allows us to examine the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and bladder.

It is mainly used to detect cysts, fibroid tumors, or other masses in the pelvis, bladder tumors or other bladder problems, kidney stones, pelvic inflammatory disease, an infection of the uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes in a woman.

Contraceptive Implant Insertion/Removal

icono test embarazo de color blanco y azul claro

Depending on the type of implant, protection against pregnancy typically lasts about 3 to 5 years.

icono inyección con anestesia y símbolos de estar durmiendo

We use local anesthesia to remove the implant to minimize the pain of the procedure.

Gynecological Visit + Contraceptive Implant Insertion

20 to 30 min


More about implant insertion

What is a contraceptive implant?

Subdermal implants contain one or more small, thin, and flexible rods that are placed in the arm (under the skin), with local anesthesia.

They release a hormone (progestin) continuously, which inhibits ovulation.

Once inserted, it provides protection for between 3 and 5 years, depending on the device.

Gynecological Visit + Contraceptive Implant Removal

20 to 30 min


More about implant removal

How is a contraceptive implant removed?

Its removal is done under aseptic conditions, just like when it is placed.

Local anesthesia is also used to prevent pain for the patient. Once the area is anesthetized, a small incision is made with a scalpel by the doctor to extract the implant.

Intrauterine Device (IUD) Insertion/Removal

icono tampón con una gota de color rojo

We recommend scheduling your IUD insertion or removal appointment to coincide with your menstruation days.

icono de un DIU de color rosa con el fondo transparente

In fact, IUD insertion will be more comfortable due to the dilation of the cervix. It is also a necessary measure to prevent ectopic pregnancies.

icono tubo de análisis con una muestra de color azul en su interior

It is recommended to undergo a cytology test before inserting an IUD to rule out any infection.

Intrauterine Device: Types and Duration

What is an IUD and are there different types?

The intrauterine device, generally known by its acronym IUD, is a reversible, temporary, and highly effective contraceptive method widely used by women who want to prevent pregnancy.

Currently, there are three types of IUDs: hormonal, copper, and gold. The specialist will recommend which one is best for your case.

Regarding the duration of contraceptive protection of the IUD, it depends on the type of device inserted. Generally, its effectiveness varies between 3 and 12 years.

Visit + Copper IUD Insertion + First Control Visit

20 to 30 min


Icono tampón con gota de color rojo
The examination should be conducted during the menstruation period.

Visit + Gold IUD Insertion + First Control Visit

20 to 30 min


Icono tampón con gota de color rojo
The examination should be conducted during the menstruation period.

Visit + Hormonal IUD Insertion + First Control Visit

20 to 30 min


Icono tampón con gota de color rojo
The examination should be conducted during the menstruation period.

Visit + IUD Removal

20 to 30 min


Icono tampón con gota de color rojo
The examination should be conducted during the menstruation period.

More about IUD Removal

How is an Intrauterine Device (IUD) removed?

Removing the intrauterine device (IUD) is quick and simple.

It is done as follows: the doctor gently pulls the string, the arms of the IUD bend, and it slides out.

You may feel discomfort for a minute as it comes out.

IUD Ultrasound Check

20 to 30 min


icono tampón de color blanco con una cruz en rojo

The examination should be conducted outside of menstruation days.

What does the visit include?

An ultrasound scan is performed to assess the condition of the IUD, to detect if it is still protecting against pregnancies or if it has shifted, deteriorated, or fallen out.

It is recommended to undergo this check once a year.

Intimate Brightening with Chemical Peeling

20 to 30 min


Sedation for Any Procedure


What procedure is sedation used for?

There is the possibility of performing the aforementioned procedures with intravenous sedation lasting about 10 minutes.

Consult with your doctor about this option.


Gynecological Visit + Transvaginal Ultrasound

Routine ultrasound or to confirm the number of weeks of pregnancy

10 to 15 min


Gynecological Visit + Breast Ultrasound

10 to 15 min


Obstetric Visit + Transvaginal Ultrasound

Routine ultrasound or for confirming the weeks of pregnancy, in cases of pregnancies of 8 weeks or less.

10 to 15 min


Obstetric Visit + Pregnancy Monitoring Ultrasound

From 8 weeks of pregnancy

12 to 25 min


What is the purpose of pregnancy monitoring ultrasound?

It is used to determine fetal position, estimate growth, evaluate the amount of amniotic fluid, locate the placenta, and assess fetal well-being.

Estimation of fetal size and growth is the most notable aspect.

Obstetric Visit + Morphological Ultrasound

From 19 to 21 weeks of pregnancy

20 to 30 min


What are morphological ultrasounds used for?

The 20-week ultrasound is used to assess the structure and biometry (shape and proportions) of the fetus, to determine if the baby is developing normally, and to rule out malformations.

Gynecological Laser Treatments

Laser Treatments and PRP

For laser and PRP treatments, schedule your appointment outside of menstruation days.

1st Gynecological Assessment Visit

15 to 20 min – Special Offer

60 € 0 €*

Esthetic and Reconstructive Vaginal Surgery Treatments

Discover the revolutionary Gynecological Laser: a minimally invasive solution for your intimate concerns.

Strengthen, rejuvenate, and restore your intimate well-being with cutting-edge technology.

In our clinic, we prioritize your confidence and feminine health.

Transform your life and feel the difference with our specialized treatments!

Vaginal Rejuvenation with Laser and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

45 to 60 min

From €600 / Session*

Laser for Vulvar Lichen and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

45 to 60 min

From €600 / Session*

Vaginal Atrophy Laser

45 to 60 min

From €300 / Session*

Vaginal Laser for Incontinence

45 to 60 min

From €300 / Session*

Prolapse and Vaginal Toning

45 to 60 min

From €300 / Session*

Vaginal Laxity and Elasticity

45 to 60 min

From €300 / Session*

*We recommend 1 to 3 sessions to achieve satisfactory results.

Feminine Intimate Treatments

Enhance your intimate beauty with our aesthetic treatments in gynecology.

From vaginal and anal bleaching, labia majora filling, to deep vaginal hydration.

In our clinic, we combine science and art to offer you natural and safe results.

Rediscover your confidence and beautify your feminine essence with us!

Genital Bleaching (anal or vaginal)

This service is currently unavailable*

From €350

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

15 to 30 min

From €350

Vaginal Hydration

20 to 30 min


Labia Majora Filling

20 to 30 min


Sedation for Any Procedure

15 to 60 min

From €150


Obstetric Visit

10 to 15 min


Obstetric Visit + Transvaginal Ultrasound

Routine ultrasound or for confirming the weeks of pregnancy, in cases of pregnancies of 8 weeks or less.

10 to 15 min


Obstetric Visit + Pregnancy Monitoring Ultrasound

From 8 weeks of pregnancy

12 to 25 min


More about Pregnancy Monitoring Ultrasounds

What is the pregnancy monitoring ultrasound for?

It serves to determine fetal statics, estimate growth, evaluate the amount of amniotic fluid, locate the placenta, and assess fetal well-being.

The estimation of fetal size and growth is the most notable point.

Obstetric Visit + Morphological Ultrasound

From 19 to 21 weeks of pregnancy

20 to 30 min


More about Morphological Ultrasounds

What are morphological ultrasounds used for?

The 20-week ultrasound is used to assess the structure and biometrics of the fetus (its shape and proportions), to determine if the baby is developing normally, as well as to exclude malformations.

First Trimester Profile Analysis

10 to 15 min


What does the visit include?


– Complete Blood Count,

– Prothrombin Time,

-Partial Thromboplastin Time,

– Blood Type and RH,

– Indirect Coombs Test,

– Glycemia,

– Urea,

– Creatinine,

– HIV,


– Toxoplasmosis IgG,

– Toxoplasmosis IgM,

– Cytomegalovirus IgG,

– Cytomegalovirus IgM,

– HBsAG,

– Urine Culture,

– First Trimester Screening.

Second Trimester Profile Analysis

10 to 15 min


What does the visit include?


– Complete Blood Count,

– Indirect Coombs Test,

– Glycemia,

– Sullivan Test,

– Urea,

– Creatinine,

– Toxoplasmosis IgG,

– Toxoplasmosis IgM,

– Cytomegalovirus IgG,

– Cytomegalovirus IgM,

Third Trimester Profile Analysis

10 to 15 min


What does the visit include?


– Complete Blood Count,

– Prothrombin Time,

-Partial Thromboplastin Time,

– Blood Type and RH,

– Indirect Coombs Test,

– Glycemia,

– Urea,

– Creatinine,

– HIV,


– Toxoplasmosis IgG,

– Toxoplasmosis IgM,

– Cytomegalovirus IgG,

– Cytomegalovirus IgM,

– HBsAG,

– Urine Culture

Triple Screening

15 to 25 min


More about the Triple Screening

What is Triple Screening and what is it for?

Triple Screening is a screening test performed during pregnancy to detect possible genetic abnormalities in the fetus.
It is a non-invasive technique, so it poses no risk to either the mother or the fetus.

Coombs Ind

10 to 15 min


Anti-Müllerian Hormone

The anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a marker used to assess a woman’s ovarian reserve and evaluate her fertility status.

10 to 15 min


STD / STI Tests

STD Visit

To ensure an optimal STI consultation, schedule your appointment outside of menstruation days.

STD Visit with Examination

15 to 20 min


icono tampón de color blanco con una cruz en rojo

The examination should be conducted outside of menstruation days.

What does the visit include?

Includes an initial interview and an examination of the genital area, as well as any necessary medical instructions and prescriptions.

During this visit, our doctors will answer your questions and concerns about sexually transmitted diseases, and will recommend the best path of action for your case.

STD Visit + Cauterization of Condylomas or Genital Warts

20 to 35 min

€150 – €350

icono tampón de color blanco con una cruz en rojo

The examination should be conducted outside of menstruation days.

What does the visit include?

Includes the initial interview, an examination of the genital area, and the treatment, during which the doctor cauterizes the tissue to be removed with electrical current (having previously anesthetized the area locally), usually caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) PCR

15 to 20 min


icono tampón de color blanco con una cruz en rojo

The examination should be conducted outside of menstruation days.

Learn more about the HPV PCR

Why do I need an HPV PCR test?

If you have had a cytology and the result is positive, the next step is to undergo an HPV PCR test, which will determine which HPV genome it is, as there are several and each has a severity and treatment.

Untreated, it could eventually develop into uterine cancer.

STD Visit + Basic STD Profile*

Includes initial interview, examination of the genital area, and analysis of the 10 most common STDs.

15 to 20 min


icono tampón de color blanco con una cruz en rojo

The examination should be conducted outside of menstruation days.

*Includes analysis for Mycoplasma genitalum, Mycoplasma hominis, Trichomonas spp, Ureaplasma urealyticum/parvum, Haemophilus ducreyi, Herpes 1-2, Treponema pallidum, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis

Specialized Analysis

icono tubos de recogida de muestras de sangre con símbolos positivo y negativo

In our clinic, we offer over 250 specialized analyses, guaranteeing fast results in just 3-15 days.

icono de estretoscopio en colores azules claros y oscuros

Our medical team accompanies you through every step, from the initial diagnosis to post-treatment follow-up.

Antibiotic Sensitivity Test

Results in 3 to 15 days


TPHA Syphilis

Results in 3 to 15 days



Results in 3 to 15 days


Gonorrhea Antigen

Results in 3 to 15 days


Ureaplasma Urealyticum

Results in 3 to 15 days


Mycoplasma Hominis

Results in 3 to 15 days


Herpes Type II

Results in 3 to 15 days


Urine Culture + Antibiotic Sensitivity Test

Results in 3 to 15 days


Urethral Smear

Results in 3 to 15 days


Pharyngeal Swab

Results in 3 to 15 days


Chlamydia Antigen

Results in 3 to 15 days


Trichomonas (Smear)

Results in 3 to 15 days


HBs Antigen (Hepatitis B)

Results in 3 to 15 days


HCV Antigen (Hepatitis C)

Results in 3 to 15 days


Beta HCG

Results in 3 to 15 days


Covid-19 Tests

Rapid Antigen Test

Results in 20 min


Standard PCR Test

Results in 24-48 h


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Controller: Centro Médico Urogine, S.L. - VAT Number: B66798265 Address: Carrer de Roger 66, Bajos 1-Local, 08028 Barcelona

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You can consult additional information about the processing of your personal data here.


In compliance with the obligation to inform interested parties of the circumstances and conditions of the processing of their data and the rights that they have, we provide you with the following information.

Controller: Centro Médico Urogine, S.L. - VAT Number: B66798265 Address: Carrer de Roger 66, Bajos 1-Local, 08028 Barcelona

Manage your inquiry/request and provide a response to it.

Your consent

Data will not be transferred to third parties, except in cases where there is a legal obligation or communication necessary to respond to your inquiry.

You can exercise your rights to access, rectify, object, limit, port, and delete the data before the data controller; as well as contacting the competent supervisory authority (AEPD).

You can consult additional information about the processing of your personal data here.

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

09:00 - 20:00


Carrer de Roger, 66

08027 Barcelona
